I once stayed at a hotel in Pittsburgh. I needed to be up early the next day, so decided to set the alarm on the clock radio in the room, in addition to using the wake up call.
The clock was branded "Philips Magnavox".
Whatever I tried, I could not work out how to set the alarm. Being very persistent, and contemplating a fairly amusing blog post, I decided to search for the clock's instruction manual on the web.
found it on the Philips website.
So, what was the trick to get the alarm to work?
Well, the clock has a feature called "Weekend Sleeper" (stops the alarm on the weekend). In order for that feature to work, the clock must know the day of the week. So, needed to set the day of the week, and then the alarm could be set.
This is an example of a non-intuitive user interface. There was no way I could work out how to perform a fairly simple task without reading the friendly manual.