Whatever comes to mind, and then the interesting directions that thought will take you on the web.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Hybrids in the Car Pool Lane
Why is this? Is it some kind of reward? From an optimization of resources point of view, it makes sense to keep the Hybrids in the more likely stop and go traffic outside of the car pool lane, where the Hybrid engine is most efficient.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Classes and Instances
It's very interesting the type of questions that you get asked. Santo, aged Four and a half, asked "Why do pirates don't brush their teeth?". I parsed the interesting sentence construction, and answered with "Because they didn't have toothbrushes back then"
Kate, nearly three, asked "Do Ariels brush their teeth?". For those not in the know, Ariel is the main character in The Little Mermaid.
It struck me as interesting that Kate had converted the name of an Instance - "Ariel" into the name of a Class - "Ariels"
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Convenience Fees
I paid my property tax via an e-check mechanism. I was astounded to see that they added a $5 "convenience fee". Here's the back and forth emails:
> >>> 10/22/2004 1:18:41 PM >>>
> I unfortunately paid my property tax through the e-check process. I
> did not realise that there was a rip-off $5 fee charged "to offset
> associated costs charged by the banking industry". What about the
> probably greater costs for you to process a paper check?
> Could you please refund my payment fully, as I intend to pay with a
> paper check postmarked on 10-Dec??
> Thanks,
And the reply:
>I replied with:
> TaxMaster TaxMaster <TaxMaster@co.sanmateo.ca.us> wrote:
> Normally payments are only refunded if they are posted incorrectly,
> such
> as paying on an incorrect wrong parcel. The convenience fee is clearly
> posted in three separate fields prior to filling in the bank
> information
> for the transaction. The payment has already been posted to your first
> installment.
> Laura Williams
> County of San Mateo
> Tax Collector's Office
> 555 County Center, 1st Floor
> Redwood City, CA 94063
> >>> 10/22/2004 4:21:33 PM >>>To which I got:
> Why isn't the cost of processing a paper check passed on to those who
> use that payment mechanism?
> Thanks,
> The costs of processing paper checks re re-cooped through the investmentThankfully, they saw sense the next year, and stopped charging the "convenience fee". And by the way, contrary to the first reply from the County, it was not clear that they were going to charge this fee.
> pool of the county general fund. In essence you, as a taxpayer, are
> paying for that process but it is not as apparant as the convenience fee
> for the e-checks. The e-check fee was assessed based on a cost analysis
> done with Union Bank. This is a fairly new process for us but if the
> volume of e-checks increases we will be able to lower that fee.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Assessment of Risk
My wife, Amy, was explaining to Santo and Kate (4 and nearly 3) that they had to have an adult with them whenever they were near any of these things.
"Because you know what might happen if you go near the water without an adult", Amy inquired.
To which Kate replied - "Sharks"
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
What is Good News?
Good news! One of your Prosper loans has been paid in full! The final payment will be credited to your account within 2-4 business days.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Difference between Women and Ladies

A friend forwarded me the pricing for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.
I was intrigued that the legend had icons to denote Men and Women, and then a third category of Ladies.
Does anybody have any idea what the difference is between Ladies and Women? Please update the comments.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Power of Words
Google seems embarrassed by this, and has its own advertising on the right hand side of the page called Offensive Search Results to explain how this happened.
This page then has a link to an excellent article at the Jewish World Review.
My explanation of why the word "Jew" is offensive is as follows:
I think that if you call somebody Jewish, you're describing one of their attributes. If you call them a Jew, you are implying that they are completely described by that one attribute, ignoring all others. It's like me being called a "Brit" rather than "British" - British is one of my attributes, but I'm also a Father, Husband, Computer Programmer, Photographer, Movie Goer, Cyclist, etc.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Oil Price
Oil Jumps Above $100 on Refinery Outage
I don't understand how a refinery outage causes the price of oil to jump. Doesn't a refinery outage mean that the demand for crude oil should decrease?
I can certainly see that a refinery outage would cause the output of the refinery to decrease - gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, etc.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
He asked an interesting question: "Why do the trucks have eyes and mouthses(sic)?".
I replied that this was anthropomorphism.
The book had an effect on me. Big Truck has an engine failure, and is taken away. Little Truck missed Big Truck a lot. I was very worried that Big Truck would not come back - anthropomorphism indeed.